Sprouts are a living food.

Sprouts are packed with enzymes. The complete catalysts which initiates

and controls almost every chemical reaction

taking place in the human body. 

 Adding sprouts to your meals helps to maintain optimum,

vibrant health. Sprouts are easy for the body to assimilate

and extract nourishment.

Sprouts are full of vitamins, minerals and protein in its purest form.

They are readily digested with the help of the many enzymes they contain.


Sprouts are an excellent source of Vitamins A, B-complex, C, D, E, G, K, and even U.

They also contain minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, and silicon, all in natural forms that the body can easily assimilate.

Adding sprouts to any meal is really an easy and delicious nutritional boost.

With regards to vitality, a sprout is the moment in a plants’ life when there is the

greatest vitality and energy. When a seed sprouts it activates many different metabolic systems.

Gram for gram, sprouts are richer in Vitamin C than the older, mature plant.

Safe Plant-Based Nutrition

For the first time ever, the same natural substance that your body manufactures and

deploys to fend off and kill pathogenic invaders has been replicated through a state

of the art ecosystem found exclusively at the growing facilities in Bowden, Alberta

and Brantford, Ontario.

The impossible tasks of seed sanitization and providing a hygienic growing environment

have been perfected without compromising the integrity

and ‘life-giving’ nutrients in these little plants.

Fresh Leaf sprouts are now one of the safest ‘super’ raw foods you will ever eat, containing enormous health benefits. 

“When you sprout foods, you increase proteolytic enzymes that make

both carbohydrates and proteins digestible.

Sprouts can contain up to 100 times more enzymes

than raw fruits and vegetables, allowing your body to extract more vitamins,

minerals, amino acids and essential fats from the foods you eat".

Both the quality of the protein and the fiber content of beans, nuts, seeds and grains improves when sprouted. The content of vitamins and essential fatty acids increase dramatically during the sprouting process, while minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, bind to protein, making them more bioavailable,” says Dr. Joseph Mercola, a leading natural health practitioner.

There are very few great ‘bioavailable’ foods grown locally that can be eaten fresh all year round worthy of our respect. Sadly, the same invisible micro-organisms that give life to these plants and enhance their nutritional value exponentially, have been despised and sacrificed, in our own ecosystem, through the use of antibiotics. They are our only natural means of defense from pathogenic attacks.

“The human system is not alone as an operating mechanism, we are shared, rented, occupied.

The very interior of our cells are homesteaded by the mitochondria, small separate [self-sufficient] creatures. Except for them, we couldn’t even drum a finger, much less think a thought,” says Dr. Lewis Thomas in his book ‘The Lives of the Cell.

Foods that are good for us will breakdown and sprouts are no exception.

Even though we have eliminated all contaminates on the outside of the sprout, the

inside is still full of micro-organisms.

If your sprouts have started to break down, it doesn’t mean that they have any pathogens on them, it is just the natural course of a plants life. 

Sprout Growers Association

Includes information on where to find sprouts, who produces sprouts, sprout recipes and nutritional information, and more.


Sprout for health and well being

Living sprouts are quality food of high biophotons (bio meaning 'life'; photon meaning 'electromagnetic'), which provide a high bio-energetic value, to energize our body and help the entire organism function, and prevent and repair defects.

Cancer Protection Compound Abundant in Broccoli Sprouts

Sprouts and Wheatgrass Production and Marketing Horticulture Production Guide Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas Vegetable Nutrient Content

 Let's even make nutrition easy!

Remember your mom saying you should eat your vegetables? Guess what? She was right.

And we've got proof! We'll show you all about your favorite veggies' nutritional value and how it fits into your daily diet.

 Research shows that sprouts are super health boosters

The power of sprouting comes from the fact that the plant's highest nutritional value is as a sprout, decreasing as the plant matures.

Sprouts contain abundant food enzymes which slow aging.

They are "biogenic," living foods that transfer their vitality and renewal to you!

See what Oprah has to say about sprouts


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